Dr.B.M. Sundaravadanan 103rd Birthday remembrance Photo unvailed

Dr.B.M. Sundaravadanan 103rd Birthday remembrance Photo unvailed by Thiru A. Krishnaswamy

Thiru. C.D. Gnanasekaran, B.A., D.Com., managar receiving the memento from President N.Shanmugam, M.A. Ex. MC.

Thiru. C.R. Puroshothaman, Asst. Manage receiving the memento from President N. Shanmugam, M.A. Ex. MC.

D. Shanmugam, Office Asst. receiving the memento from president N. Shanmugam, M.A. Ex. MC.

President honouring Chief Guest justice S. Natrajan

Dr. (Mrs.) R. Padmini, M.A., PhD., Honoured by Tmt. Malanarayanan. Jt.Sec.


Selvi. A.R. Saarania receives cash award

The President Honouring THiru. S.N. Chockalingam

Tmt. Kalpana Prabhakaran, Computer Operator receiving the memento from President N. Shanmugam, M.A. Ex. MC.